Sunday, August 10, 2014

Twice Wanted, Twice Loved.

In January of 1987 there was a 14 year old girl who had a baby girl to whom she wanted to give a better life than the one she would be able to provide. There was also a couple in their 30's who could not have a child yet desperately wanted one. Through a whirlwind of phone calls, connections, love, paperwork, happy tears and not so happy tears, lawyers, excitement, and nervousness of the unknown Gods perfect plan for my life fell right into place. A young mother made possibly the hardest decision of her life in order to give me a better life. A life that at the age of 14 she would not have been able to provide. She gave me a family. A wonderful and loving mother and father who would love me unconditionally, raise me in a Godly home, who would spoil their only little girl, encourage me to chase my dreams and reach for the stars. 

I was not given up, I was given more. 

Let's just go ahead and get a few things straight since this can get a little confusing. My parents are Herb and Sandy Phinazee. They are the loving couple who adopted me, raised me, and love me. They are my parents and I love them with all of my heart! When I refer to my parents or 'we' this is who I am referring to. I am also blessed to have a birth mother. She placed me with my parents and I am grateful daily for her selfless decision.

So here starts my search for my birth mother or any birth family! This is not the first time myself and my parents have tried to find her and there is no giving up. I will be posting search updates and more! If you feel so inclined I would love for you to share the photo below! Pin it, Facebook it, tweet it, whatever!


11:45pm Wednesday August 13, 2014:     Yes everyone in less than 4 days and with the help of some wonderful ladies that were heaven sent I have been reunited with my birth mother! AND it is all because of each and every one of YOU! All the 
amazing people who shared my story on facebook and other social media accounts, YOU made this happen!  Her name is April :) I will be updating the blog so everyone can hear this wonderful, miracle of a story sometime tomorrow! If you want to be updated as to when the post goes up follow by email on the left side of this page or by google friend connect also on the left side of the page, or follow my twitter account @hellocolie_

And again! Thank you to everyone who has shared! You made this happen!

xoxo - Ashley


  1. I am adopted from birth as well, and although it was a closed adoption, I have spent years and years trying to find my birth parents as well. Thank you for the inspiration, as I haven't tried this method yet either--and as a blogger also, maybe this could work for the both of us! Would love it if you would keep me updated on your search and let me know if there is anything I can do to help or support! Good luck to you!!! I hope you find everything you are looking for!! <3

    1. I just found my boyfriend's birth families after not knowing who he was for 65 years. You need to look at your adoption papers and get your birthparents info. Any info you can find .Then use the names in Putting names and dates together was the only way I could solve the mystery. Since we have met his birth father's family and my boyfriend's half sister and her family. What a wonderful ending. Too bad the birth mother is in denial and her other children. Its their loss. Good luck

      Maggie MacLeod

    2. I have an adopted daughter who I was so lucky to get when she was 4 days old. She IS MY DAUGHTER but she also had a birth Mother who I helped her locate for medical info. She has contact with her to a degree and has met some of the family, but she is and always will be my daughter. The Home should be able to help locate her for you and ask her if they can give out her info to you. I wish you the best of luck in finding this young girl who chose adoption over abortion. Praise God she did the right thing and made another couple a family with you. You are a beautiful young lady and anyone would be proud to claim. Good luck.

    3. Recently we found a neighbor's birth parents by using The only clue we had was that she knew her Dad had died working on a bridge in Indiana. Fold3 was also a big help. And the Genealogical Dept. of the Indiana Library. She found out she had older siblings and is now in touch with her living relatives. Hope everyone searching for their family has a happy ending.

  2. You've grown into a beautiful woman that any mother would be proud of. Good luck in your search for your birth mother.

    I too was born at Lee Memorial on 6-15-1984

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words and encouragement!

  3. Don't give up. My niece gave up her baby girl also through a private adoption and yearned to find her. Lots of ads in the local papers and lots of prayer. Long story short, her daughter lived about 5 miles away. They were reunited just before her "baby"'s 25th birthday. May God bless your search.

    1. Thank you for such an inspiring story! I love hearing of these happy reunions it is so encouraging to me! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

  4. What a beautiful story! I gave birth to my one and only child at the age of 16 on 6-21-84 also at Lee Memorial Hospital. I was blessed to have be able
    to raise him. He is now 30 and has been a joy. I attended Lee Adolescent Mothers Program in Fort Myers. Your birth mom may have also attended that school while living with her grandparents. It is part of the public school system in Leee County. Such s great school. Maybe they can help you. I will also share your post. I have many friends and family that still live in Southwest Florida. Praying you find her soon! Godspeed:-)

    1. Thank you so much for sharing a bit of your story and that wonderful tip! I will most definitely look into that program! And thank you 100 times over for sharing this!!

  5. Try Troy Dunn, The Locater, also from Ft.Myers Florida.

    1. Thank you for the tip it is greatly appreciated!

  6. I was born at Lee memorial in 83 & I had my first child at 16 so I was driven to share ur post and I hope you get to meet your birth mother some day. Good luck

    1. Thank you so much for sharing my story it means so much to me!

  7. Yes, try Troy Dunn, he is hazing at founding lost family members

    1. Yes I keep hearing that name I am definitely going to look into that! Thank you so much!

  8. If you know her name do your geneology it night help you also good love prays go out to you

    1. Unfortunately I know barely anything about her. But I am doing a DNA test soon and that can possibly open some doors! Thank you do much for your prayers they are greatly appreciated!

  9. The only person I knew during that period of time, given I attended that church there was a young girl I believe her name was Paula Spearing who had a baby around that age, her family lived in Pine Island. Hope this helps don't know if it's a match and the horrible and unfortunate news is that this young lady was later killed in a car accident.

    1. looked up the news report for that, she was 17 in 1987 when she died, so it would not have been a match...

  10. I also gave up my only child that I gave birth to at the age of 16 so that she could have a better life than I could have given her being raised in an alcoholic, dysfunctional family...I pray that she was adopted by parents as loving as yours and grows up as beautiful as you have, both inside and out... I pray your prayers and dreams are answered... hugs

    1. Thank you for sharing your story! You are such a brave woman to have made such a hard decision at such a young age! I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers, you are an inspiration. Thanks + Love to you!

  11. Do you have your original birth certificate? I don't know the laws in Florida, but I know that I was able to get mine in Maine; they had just changed the law that allowed this to happen the year before I began my search, which was a few years ago. I started my search on this website:, and that's where I was alerted to the change in Maine state laws regarding OBC. Once I received that info from Maine, I went back to the site and found many "search angels" who, based on my birth mother's name, were able to find her within a few hours. I'd be happy to give you more specific info related to my search. It was so much easier than I ever imagined it would be, and we have since met and gotten close over the years. I can be reached at if you have any questions. Good luck!!!

    1. Florida law does not allow adoptees to have their OBC. Thank you for the tips and info on the website, I will definitely look it up!

  12. I too was adopted. I was 3 mos old when my birth mom gave me up. I have had such a wonderful life because of it and when I was 19 I was able to find her. We talk all the time now and have since met my sister and brother as well and have become very close. Good luck to u!

    1. Thank you very much for sharing your story! I found her!!!

    2. CONGRATS!!! I am so happy for you. I hope that you have a wonderful experience getting to know each other. I look forward to an update when you are ready.

  13. Ashley, Over 37 years ago, we adopted a beautiful little girl, with multiple medical problems. For about 15 years, I have been trying to find her family. I posted a note such as yours on and now, 2 moths ago, after all this time, I got a response. For many reasons, my daughter does not want to meet her bio family just yet, but she has no problem with me connecting. We've talked and written many times and hopefully, I will meet her this week.
    Prayers for you that you will find what it is you are searching for.

    1. That is awesome for you! I will be praying for both your families! And I have some good news I spoke with my birth mom yesterday!

  14. Please check you other folder on facebook messenger. I would like to ask you a few questions about your search

  15. I was also adopted. I was born in Fort Myers. I was born at Lee Memorial. I have two amazing parents that have raised me and will always be my parents. I have not been very serious in looking for my birth family, but you give me strength to start looking again. I wish you the best of luck in your search!

  16. With all my respect, and sorry because its not my concern but ... why exactly are you looking for your mother? a medical reason? do you need a closure? I think that after all this romantic loving concept of the biological mother giving up for adoption, it is a painful decision so unselfless that gives loving peace to mom's heart ... What will change for you to meet your biological mother? perhaps you're not as happy as you say? don't you think she is? or is it beneficial for both? ... if she was thinking the best for you when she took the desicion, are you thinking this search is the best for her? I hope whatever your reason is, you find peace in your heart .

    1. No adoptee needs to justify their desire to know their history. Period.

    2. If you are not adopted you will never understand. Best wishes to you Solangel.

    3. I found my birth father who signed over custody to my mother so my stepfather could adopt me. I always had dreams of what it would be like to have a relationship with him. To meet his family and introduce him to my husband and children. It was not the fairytale I wanted it to be, but it was the closure I needed to move on with my life and stop pipe dreaming about what it might be. I encourage her to continue her search because you don't know, she may be searching for you too and if nothing else, it will provide the closure you're looking for.

    4. There are many reasons why an adoptee wants to find her/his birth family. I am adopted and I am very happy with my life but I have a lot of unanswered questions. And I feel that all though I am happy part of me is not whole because there is a lot that I don't know about my background.

    5. Hey, what kind of thing is that to say? My son was adopted. There was a battle with social services that did not end in my favor due to my young age and naivety. I'm not allowed any contact with him and he will not know me his whole childhood, but I pray in my heart every day that he will want to know me when the time comes. I have loved that child from the day he was conceived and will never stop until the day I die. I hope one day we will have some sort of relationship, that he will get to meet his little sister. I am always worried he won't like me, that I'll be too different from his parents and the way he is being raised. I have two sisters my mother gave up for adoption. We met and are all friends now. You have no idea what could lead a woman to make a decision like that, and I hope my son has Ashley's attitude, rather than yours.

    6. I hope the son I had to let go of has Ashley's attitude, and not yours. You have no idea what could lead a mother to make a decision like that.

  17. I will share your story and wish you the best in finding your birth mother I too live in Lee County and will have to agree
    with others please contact Troy Dunn I know a friend of a friend who worked for him for several years and have heard
    he is amazing in the work he does.

  18. I too was adopted. I was adopted by my bio- mother's sister during a time when she was having a very difficult time and knew her sister could have no more children. I am now 60 yrs old. I have had the privilege of knowing and loving both of my families. I have always had a special place in my heart for adopted children. I will share this post with family, some of who are in FL area but also other states.
    As for those who criticize your attempts; as a mother myself, If I had placed a child for adoption I would love to know that she had a good life. Do be realistic though as your birth mother may not feel the same way.
    Good luck in your search, I wish you well.

  19. I wish you well in your search. May God bless you. Shared by Jennifer C. in Sylvania, Ga.

  20. I was adopted from birth and grew up with this knowledge from age 3. I never desired to look for my birth mother until I was in my late twenties. I finally found her when I was 33. Only an adoptee know the void that is missing even with a happy, loving childhood. So many questions. I found out I have a brother who would never date anyone younger then himself for fear it would be me. I found out I have a ton of aunts and uncles. It's been 20 yrs now and even though we are miles apart, we still talk often. I found out that...'I'...don't feel like I fit in very well because I was raised in such a different environment just miles apart. Even though I have a good relationship, I found out I am glad I was adopted under the circumstances. I would say don't give up, as it is wonderful having 2 families that love you (I was lucky that they were also looking for me as well), but stay guarded as you may not be happy with what you find on the other side. Good luck in your search and God Bless!

  21. I was adopted in pinellas county Florida, then removed from that home 13. When I was 4 or 5 I was lucky enough to have found some papers with my family information on it. I never forgot the information. When I was 18, I began my search back before the internet. I traveled the country in my search for who I was and where I came from. By the time I was 26, I had lost all hope of ever finding my family. After my son was born when I was 36, I renewed my search so my son would hopefully not go through his life with all of the same questions that I always had. Through the power of the internet and the grace of God, I finally found what I was looking for.I.went from being completely alone to having 13 half siblings and 3 full siblings. I wish you the best of luck. I guess I want you to know that anything is possible and you should never give up. I hope you find what you are looking for and have a great reunion. Good luck.

  22. Ashley, you should try If you know your biological mother's surname, then it can be fairly easy to locate her, that is if she's also posted on the site. A lot of the times, however, people will post with very little information and it can be a pain to go through all the posts for a particular state/city, but can also be worth it. I helped a friend locate her 4 biological children that were taken from her at a young age. It took over a year, but we found them and she couldn't be happier!

  23. I adopted two of my children from foster care. I have recently connected with their birth mother's sister who has given me some info on their birth mother. While my kids are not old enough to understand now, I hope one day they can use the information I found to connect with their birth mother and maybe have her in their lives again. Good luck! Katie

  24. To start, I'm adopted, so I don't want anyone to say I don't understand. While yes, there are things I'd like to know about my background, I have not searched. Here's why:
    The decision birth parents make here is not an easy one. In many cases they've moved on by the time we would look, potentially having a family. Their 'new' family may or may not know about you. If they haven't sought me out through the agency or another main channel, I figure we owe it to them to not search further. They've already given us life, we shouldn't force ourselves into theirs if they've not requested that.
    I would implore you to think about this.

    1. Believe me when I say I have thought about and considered all the options.

    2. It isn't necessarily true that birth parents don't want to find their children just because they haven't searched. Many birth mothers were told that they could never search for their children and through guilt and shame and, perhaps, fear they have not done so. I can't tell you how many birth parents who had never searched are absolutely thrilled when we have found them through DNA matches to other family members. You will never, ever know what they want or feel without finding them.

      By the way, testing at AncestryDNA is a great start, but we always recommend that adoptees test at three of the companies who offer these type of tests (23andMe and Family Tree DNA are the others) because each database is unique and you never know where the key match will be found. We have solved searches using all three of the companies frequently.

      Best of luck with your search. I know you will find them!

      CeCe Moore

    3. Hi there again! I just wanted you to know that I was able to find my birth mother and she had been looking for me as well! While this of course is not always the case, all of her family knew about me. I understand and respect that not everyone is ready or wants to find their birth family, but know that just because you have not been contacted does not mean someone isn't looking. She was also very scared that I would not want to meet her, and that is just not the case at all! :)

  25. My husband and I adopted our son when he was 3 days old. in Nov. 1975 in Florida also. I was told I could never have children of my own and we decided we would adopt. 15 years after we were married, I finally got pregnant with my first daughter and 14 mos had another daughter. Our son was always the apple of my eye !! When you adopt you truly don't know the difference between a biological or an adopted child. They are your child from the moment they are born. I used to watch these reunion shows on Oprah, Mike Douglas and the different talk shows in the 60's and think how awesome that was to be reunited but nothing was ever mentioned about the ADOPTIVE parents who raised that child, loved that child !! We do have feelings...and we love them as our own. My son's biological mother put an ad in the local newspaper "Looking for" .... I called the number in upstate NY being she stated his birthday in the ad, his possible name which was his first name (which we didn't call him by) and the name of the hospital. I cried for hours after reading this ad that night. I kept thinking .... oh my...she knows his "possible" first name and WHAT 19 years later did she want with him? Totally broke my heart and my husband's....As this time our girls were now 11 and 12 years old and they idolized their brother. I called the number ...she answered the phone and the first blurt I could say... "WHAT do you want with him"? She told me she had married his biological father 10 years later and they had 4 daughters. So now realizing he has his biological mother, father and sisters....The next day I told him about the ad. At first he was hostile wanting to know WHY she would do that, placing an ad to look for him and he refused to even believe they existed. I kept telling him ..."one day you'll understand all of this" and he kept saying he only had one mother (me) one father (my husband) and 2 sisters (who were upstairs). His mom and I had gotten pretty close over a couple of months & shared pics of all the children. My son and his sisters are doubt they are blood related. I told her from the start about my girls and I didn't want to see them get hurt. She promised that would never happen. It took me 3 mos before my son would even talk to her on the phone. Then we all were invited to NY to visit and meet the other family members. After that trip, nothing was ever the same. My son spends vacations with them, he and his wife and MY GRANDSON (who is now 16) go up there and all his family comes down here. But yet, the son I was so close to for 19 years became where he hardly talks to me, always is to busy to attend our family holiday dinners and etc. He sends me texts here and there...but nothing like the relationship he has with his biological family. A lot of that has to do with his current wife also. She hates me for stupid reasons relating to my son's first wife and the mother to my grandson.... so she encourages doing things with the biological side. My son's mother was only 15 when she gave birth to him and his father was 14. I realize I'm a lot older and probably no fun to him like they are... but it truly breaks my heart that the little boy who thought I was the greatest person in the world when he was a child has NO time for me, or did he for my late husband-his father) nor his two sisters but yet he finds time to go on vacations for two weeks at a time with them or has time if they visit here in town. So, in closing.... please never forget who raised you !! Where was this other Mom & Dad-- when we gave you love unconditionally, stayed up all night with you when you were sick, worried about you constantly, went through the teenage years with new cars, private school and etc etc ....Now they step up to the plate and claim... "my son, my grandson" ......I don't think they are worthy of that title.

  26. What speaks to me are your two comments, "twice wanted, twice loved" and "I was not given up, I was given more." A lot of people think that birth parents don't love the children they give more, as you say. It's those that abort their children that don't have love for them. Any mother who carries her child and gives her to loving parents loves that child. You have said it perfectly. I, too, am adopted and I will pray for a positive outcome for you. I have been curious about my birth family, from what I understand a mother, father, brother and sister, but have never sought them out. I always yearned to see someone who looked like me but found some closure after I had my son (he looks just like me). Maybe someday I will want to search as you are, but for now I have peace. Good luck to you and God bless you and ALL of your family.

    1. Dont EVER JUDGE PPL WHEN U HAVE NO IDEA WHY THEY HAVE TO ABORT!!! U sound ignorant!!! Spend 1 day in my shoes and then tell me what u would have done!!! I loves my child and that is why I did what I needed to do, so plz dont be an ignorant fool and act like u know what its like!!!

    2. Agree 100% Jade

    3. Jade5952, you are the one that sounds like an idiot, your line "I loves my child and that is why I did what I needed to do" did what? abort? ............and further more I loves is ignorant english.

  27. Best of luck to you sweet girl. My daughter was born 5-15-87 in Lee Memorial Hospital. From what I recall, that was the only hospital in Fort Myers that delivered babies back then. I only say this because you have the word "possibly" in your graphic. We still live in Fort Myers, I have been here for 46 years now. I have shared your story on Facebook as well. God bless.

  28. Why the need to find her? What satisfaction can come of it?

    I am just curious because this is something that breaks my heart for your parents that adopted you, and I know something that would break my heart for my future children I adopt.(If I adopt--this kind of thing is a reason I might not. IT is selfish, yes, but I know I would be so torn up when that day would come and they decide that the people who raised them weren't enough.)

    Not trying to be negative, but honestly just curious. I am around your age right now and know that I cannot have children. It is a big burden on my heart.

    Best of luck though.

    1. she mentioned her parents are helping her search, she wants to find her birth mother to thank her for giving her life!!!!!! She has said repeatedly that her parents will always be her parents. The way you are feeling in my opinion is slightly selfish. You do not know what it is like to not know your biological roots, its an empty feeling. My parents had no problem when I found my bio mother at the age of 35, she was worried but understood.(unselfish)

    2. Hi there! First I would like to say that I have never said my parents are not enough. Please, please read what I wrote above again. My mother had surgery in her early 20's that left her unable to have children. She and my father prayed and prayed for a child and had looked into adoption and nothing had ever panned out. Mom gave up because it just seemed so hopeless to her and dad kept praying. Then one day out of the blue they received a call from a woman named Goldie asking if they wanted a little girl. They are and always will be the best parents ever. But our situation like so many others is special. I have two families. Maybe a brother or sister. Not to mention the fact that I have no medical history whatsoever. Their could be a strong history of breast cancer in my bio family or anything and I would never know. The biggest thing my parents have been worried about is me getting hurt. My mother would also like to meet and thank the wonderful and selfless woman who placed a child in her care forever. If you would like to talk to my mom, Sandy, about this she would be more than happy to speak with you! My email is feel free to reach out anytime!

    3. To not know your heritage and ancestry is the reason for searching. To want to know why that parent gave you up is the reason. To find closure for unanswered questions is the reason. It is not a slap in the face to your adoptive parents. It is natural curiosity for knowledge of who you are. Each adoptee makes their own decision for searching, and I would bet that not one is saying it is because the adoptive parents were not good parents.

  29. I was adopted also and my birth mother found me in 94'. What true love from her to give me to a loving mom and dad. I pray that you will one day meet her. Praying for you and her.

  30. I hope you find your family. I gave my son up for adoption because I was 14 when I had him. It was the hardest decision I ever made. I tried to get him back a month after I gave him up.. I wasn't able to. I thought of him everyday he's been out of my life. I had a cupcake and made a wish for him that he had a wonderful life. I started looking for him after my father passed away in 2003. I found him. I've talked to him a few times in a e-mail but now he hasn't talked to me in awhile. I'm really happy that I know he's alive and well. But it would be great to hear from him. I just wait patiently I hope someday then I'll get to meet him in person. So all I can say is be hopeful it can happen. Birth mother Joyce

  31. I posted this ad on a handful of facebook groups on adoption, donor conception, and genealogy. Hope you have success? Have you submitted you DNa to the big 3 databases? Links are listed here: Go through them to support our efforts. Myself and many others have found our biological family through our DNA and connecting to relative matches. It takes a little time and small cost but you will likely find them if you go through your DNA and on all 3 sites.

  32. Ashley, I am an adult adoptee recently reunited with my birth family...Both sides. It's been an amazing journey and I wish you all the best. If I can be of any help, please don't hesitate to contact me.

  33. Ashley,
    I am a birth mom. I made the hardest decision of my life when I gave up my precious baby girl in 1980. I was 17, my life was a complete total mess. Her father was in jail (again) and I wanted my sweet baby girl to have a chace at a life that was better than the one I was able to give her. I went through Cathlic Social Services. It was a closed adoption. I did stay in touch with the counselor who had handled my case. She coud not give me any information but I kepy her up to date with my current information, just in case my daughter needed me. I promised myself I would not interfere in her liffe until she was at least 22. I wanted her to finish high school and maybe college without disturbance from me.
    I lived 26 years with a whole in my heart. There was never a year that I didn't celebrate her birthday. I had already made up my mind that at some point I would try to find her. I wanted her to be able to have closure if she needed it. Finally after lots of internet searching I found a website run by angels! That is even what they're called...Florida Search Angels. I posted information on that site, as well as any other sites I could find (Facebook wasn't around yet). After 2 years of posting information on every site I could find, I received a email with information about a lady that the angels thought was my daughter. On August 25, 2006 I made the scariest call I've ever made in my life. I didn't know what I might find when I made that call. It could be her and she coud hate my guts and never want to talk to me. My worst fear was that I might learn she was no longer living. My hope was that I might be able to answer any questions she had in her mind about why I made the choice to give her up.
    It was my daughter that answered the phone. She did have questions. At one time she had hated me (which I could understand). We met. I think she would tell you that being able to ask me all the hard questions, share all her feelings positive and negative, helped her to close some open wounds she carried for years. For the last 8 years we have shared an amazingly wonderful relationship beyond anything in my wildest dreams. Her parents have been amazing. I have 2 grandchidren whom I absolutely adore.
    I know that I am blessed beyond belief to have the situation I have. Not all situations turn out like ours.
    I encourage you to think through every possible scenario, just so that you are as prepared as you can be for any situation you may encounter. Make sure you have strong support behind you in the event you find a sitation that is less than favorable.
    I want to share the site where I found mt angels and I pray that you might find an angel that will answer your prayers too. I've also seen people recommend Troy Dunn. He wasn't around when I was serching, but if he had been I would've been calling him for sure. The webiste I referenced is

    I will try to find some of the other sites where I posted information. If Ifind them I will share them as well.
    Good luck to you sweet girl. I pray your search brings you to a happy ending.

  34. I think I remember April, she had a sister named Alphie and a brother too. Our family reached out often to her family. She was in my Missionettes class. And then one day they were gone. Always smiling, sweet girl who was awesome at memorizing scripture! glad you found her :-)

  35. Many young ladies have children who they cannot care for at the time that they have them. That does not mean they love you any less if anything they love you more and that is the main reason they have to let go. I am sure your mother has a good reason, and hope you keep an open mind to why? Just tread lightly and hope all goes well when you do get the chance to meet with her. God bless you and your family.

  36. Posted this to my facebook well over a year ago... Today it was in my timehop and I became curious about the outcome of your story. Congratulations on finding your birth mother I'm sure she is beyond proud of you! The understanding that you have for your situation and the one that your birth mother was in is amazing! You are an amazing woman, extremely intelligent, and a true inspiration to those who are in similar situations! May you continue to be blessed everyday of your life! ❤☝

  37. Awesome! ---where's the update you mentioned?

  38. Yes please! Would love an update.
